Scribe : Record, Transcribe, Summarize, Edit & Upload to EHR
- Record coversations with patients
- Ask Murphi to transcribe
- Summarize the conversation
- Edit the summary and upload to EHR
- Ask Murphi more questions about the conversation.. Drive : Connect with EHR, get instant
- Fetch me John’s Patient Record
- Summarize Mary’s Progress Notes, Behaviors & Meds
- Get me Emily’s Lab Work
- When is Susan’s appointment?
- What is the total reimbusement pending? Play :Upload PDFs, Images, Audio Files & Seek Respones
- Fetch me summary of all the patient records uploaded
- What is Joe’s prognosis?
- Who was Tracy’s doctor for nephrology consults?
- Summarize this image for me?
- What is Edward’s deductible? Lite : Information at fingertips
- Chatting with many patients? Summarize chat history.
- Randomly type words and Murphi will make a sentence
- Seek prompts to respond to users
- Ask questions and seek generic responses.